10 Best Basketball games of all time

Basketball, an enjoyable and tiring game which is fun in both the real and the virtual world. For many years we have been in a dilemma when it came to choosing which basketball game to purchase. All you basketball fans out there know what i am talking about. The long list of games for various consoles would baffle us and it wass difficult to choose! Now, we shall take a trip down memory lane and have a look at the best basketball games ever made. So, players keep your Jordans ready as we are going to slam dunk real hard!

#10 NBA Live 95


NBA Live 95, this was the game that revolutionized the way basketball video games were played. This series was the one that would go on to be known as NBA Live.

One of the best basketball games ever, it had everything starting from over excited crowds to the sweet sound of the word “swish” every time the ball passed through the net. The zeal shown by the fans encouraged players to go out of their way to score more baskets and win the game. Yes, i know many of you are looking for that cartridge right now. Well, don’t wait up! Find the cartridge and let the good times roll.

#9 Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside


The game featured Kobe Bryant on its cover and was exclusive to the Nintendo 64. The game had all the essential features of a basketball games. It took the gaming experience to a whole new level as it allowed players to be controlled using controller sticks. Different players in the game had different moves and this helped enhance the overall gameplay. This game had cheat codes! Just enable a few cheat codes and your game just went from fun to awesome in a matter of seconds!

#8 NBA Inside Drive 2002


The first basketball game for the Xbox and it was an instant hit! Being an Xbox game it had smooth and detailed graphics which made for excellent gaming experience for basketball fans all over the world. The game had the concept of camera cutscenes and was a game that will be remembered by many as one of the greatest basketball games ever. The only thing about the game that i found disappointing was that it was released exclusively for the Xbox and PC.

#7 NBA Live 2000


Basketball games had just one problem. The players had fake attributes! This drawback was overcome when NBA Live 2000 hit the stores. This is the game where, the legend, Michael Jordan made his first appearance on our gaming screens. We could use the high flying Jordan to fly around the court and score in style! In other words this was the first game where we could use “His Airness” in game.

#6 NBA Live 2003


This is the game that brought in a revolution with respect to gameplay. It was the first game that incorporated the much awaited “Freestyle Control” stick. Now, you could either pass the ball to your teammates or you could perform a fancy move to get past your opponent using your right analog stick. The stick allowed for better defending as it allowed players to move their arms while defending, hence making it difficult for opponents to pass the ball. Along with this the entire ambience of the game was awesome starting from authentic shoes to brilliant soundtracks. So, this game deserves the number six spot in this list.

#5 NCCA Basketball 10


NCCA Basketball 10, this game was the reason why basketball fans enjoyed their college life! This was a game that was a must have for any college basketball fan. You could manage everything starting from upgrading of training facilities to recruiting new players. The game allowed for a tournament mode that allowed players to play against each other! This was one of the best basketball games ever made. Sadly, the series was discontinued after this edition of the game. If you ask me, i would not mind another game being added to this series in the future.

#4 NBA 2k1


This game was made exclusively for the Sega Dreamcast. You have to agree with me, this game took basketball to a whole new level. This game brought with it the ‘SegaNet’. Now, you were given the freedom of competing online and testing your skills against challengers around the world. The ability to pick your favourite players from the 70s and the 80s made this game one of the best ever. The best part however was the “Street Ball” mode that had been introduced in the game. Combine all of that and you have a masterpiece. A complete game for any basketball fan.

#3 NBA Street


How i loved the Nintendo GameCube. NBA Street was one of the best games ever! Gamers could now literally do everything they wanted to do starting from complicated tricks to choosing famous street basketball locations like Rucker Park. What more, you could foul your opponents too and it was all legal! This game brought in an adrenaline rush like no other basketball. A fun filled and thoroughly exciting game, I am sure all of you will agree that NBA Street is the right choice for the number three spot in this list.

#2 NBA Jam


NBA Jam, the original arcade version of the game, “He’s on Fire!”, “Is it the Shoes!”, “Boom-shaka-laka!”. Ring any bells? Well, here we are NBA Jam, a crazy arcade game that is sure to remind you of your childhood. This game is for the imaginative basketball player. This is the game where ‘dreams come true.’ Gamers were able to dunk from half court and set the net on fire! This game promised that imagination would rule the game and it has never failed to deliver. One of the most entertaining games that gamers can never get bored off. NBA Jam is all set to be one of the best games in the history of basketball.

#1 NBA 2K13


This one was pretty obvious. NBA 2K13 is without a doubt the best basketball game ever made. It had what the gamers wanted. It brought in game changing ball physics and focused on the smallest of smallest graphical details. So, not only was the game great to play, it was also a treat for your eyes. The game allows you to create your own player and even design his shoe. The shoe that you design can later be linked to NIKEiD. Yes, i know NBA 2K14 and NBA 2K15 have been released but i personally think this game deserves the number one spot as it brought in the elements that helped NBA 2K14 and NBA 2K15 rise to greater heights.

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