10 worst video game protagonists of all time

Slippy Toad (Star Fox 64)

Okay Slippy Toad’s mechanical genius is second to none, in fact I’d call him the Spock of the Star Fox crew, but his awesomeness ends quickly one he starts acting like a major league jackass. Slippy’s annoying, screechy voice combined with his tendency to almost always get in the line of fire of enemy shooters and put Fox through the trouble of rescuing him make him a real headache. However his technical expertise, as mentioned before, is indeed remarkable which makes him a necessary eyesore.

Natalya (Goldeneye 007)

I’ve had the pleasure of playing Goldeneye years after its original release and besides thoroughly enjoying the game due to it being based on one of my favourite movie characters also found it one of the best first person shooters of all time despite many modern contemporaries having superior graphics than the 1997 game. However one thing that bugged me and the over eight million players before me was the character of Natalya, based on the hacker from the film. Not only does she have an annoying tendency to get in the way of villains, but also acts as a major foil to Bond’s otherwise awesome missions. Rare Ltd, the amazing developers of Goldeneye, should have really done better when it came to programming her.