God of War Ragnarok: 5 things fans would love to see

(image credits: lzuniy, youtube)
(image credits: lzuniy, youtube)

2) More gods and more boss fights

(image credits: the next alert)
(image credits: the next alert)

The God of War franchise, for the better parts of its run, had been about the ridiculous boss fights. The more grounded approach was the better way to with the 2018 reboot, but perhaps fans can appreciate the return of the large-scale boss fights of old.

The Norse mythology is rich with great characters and more gods that can be a threat to Kratos and Atreus. With Magni, Modi, and Baldur already slain, it seems like Kratos has gotten off to a slow, but a good start, nonetheless.

However, it does appear that Kratos is much more mature and would avoid conflict if he could help it. But alas, Kratos usually finds himself claiming the lives of powerful gods despite his best efforts.

1) Kratos v Thor

(image credits: Gamer Max Channel, youtube)
(image credits: Gamer Max Channel, youtube)

Fans were left in amazement as at the end of 2018's God of War, the god of thunder himself shows up on Kratos' door, armed with Mjolnir. This signals an absolutely massive and epic boss fight against Thor himself.

Fans are familiar with the character of Thor, albeit, the Marvel and MCU version of him. It is so far removed from the depiction of Thor in Norse mythology, which is much more what the game seems to be going after.

Thor is going to be an massive enemy that should be a boss fight and make for some truly epic moments. The clash between the God of Thunder and the God of War might go down in history as the most epic battle in gaming history.

Santa Monica has proved that they know how to build a fantastic boss fight with an absolute masterpiece against Baldur in the opening moments of God of War.

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