Inting Sion: The crazy, new strategy making waves in LOL

Via Riot Games
Via Riot Games

League of Legends has always been a platform where players try to experiment a lot. From support singed with smite to AP Tryndamere, there have always been some crazy strategies utilised. These strategies might often be considered borderline trolling due to their uncommon playstyle but it doesn't matter if they get you the victory.

Inting Sion is the latest strategy which is going Viral in higher Elo. Essentially if you look at the KDA of a player who follows Inting Sion strategy it's always going to be super negative but the Winrate is still high. So how does it work?

Pick Sion in top Lane with Resolve as your primary rune. Make sure to take Grasp and Demolisher in the Resolve tree. You can take Sorcery as your secondary rune. Play initial levels of the laning phase in a standard way, shoving the wave into the enemy turret with the help of Q and E. After level 6 be more aggressive in pushing the waves. If the waves freeze near enemy turrets start hitting the turret. If you die in the process, abuse your passive and continue hitting the turrets. Use your ultimate whenever possible to crash into enemy turrets.

Initially, this might look bad for your team resulting in flaming from your teammates. The main formula is to keep on going and after a while, you will start to see the effectiveness of the strategy. Turetts will start to fall super fast with more items in your pocket. If the enemy kills you it won't reward them with much gold since you have died multiple times already. The amount of pressure you will draw will be massive since someone from the enemy always has to be there to counter your push.

The build path is Tiamat as the first item followed by complete Titanic Hydra and Zz'rot portal (Core Items). The build becomes very obnoxious to face later on in the game as you become tankier and deal more damage at the same time.

Many high Elo players have successfully applied this strategy but this could always backfire. Less practice on Sion or having less game knowledge could result in you only feeding the enemy team rather than getting objectives. This kind of playstyle is super volatile and could result in other players reporting you. A high-risk high-reward strategy can easily help you to climb but at the same time could result in your downfall.


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