Hearthstone: Blizzard has upset Wild Players with the new Resurrect cards

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We have been seeing new cards from the newest Hearthstone expansion, Rise of Shadows. Rise of Shadows is the first expansion of the new Standard year, the Year of the Dragon. It introduced a new "Twinspell" mechanic as well as some other interesting mechanics as well as bringing back some old characters such as Rafaam and Togwaggle.

Among the cards that were revealed, Priest has received some powerful additions. The class has always been outshined by others especially in Standard. But in Wild, Priest is still extremely powerful with a pool of cards such as Lightbomb, Y'shaarj, Barnes and others which make up the extremely powerful Big Priest deck archetype.

Image result for mass resurrection hearthstone
Image result for catrina muerte hearthstone

These 2 cards, Mass Resurrection and Catrina Muerte are two more powerful additions in an already powerful deck. Although Big Priest is Tier 2 deck right now, it can potentially boost up thanks to these cards. Other classes have received great additions as well, but none that upgrade existing deck archetypes.

Cards such as Eternal Servitude, Obsidian Statue and the Lich King will still be in the Wild pool of cards even though they are leaving standard. The biggest problem with Big Priest is high rolling a powerful minion with a cheap cost Barnes after which, the game might pretty much be over. Cheating out mana negates the high cost of 8 mana+ cost cards which makes this kind of mechanic really busted.

Blizzard is known to ignore Wild. They took months to nerf the controversial Naga Sea Witch Giants deck, which also cheated out a lot of mana. Now that Baku and Genn are rotating to Wild too, there are many busted decks which are in Wild. Which is fine in a way, because that's what Wild is about. But decks which cheat mana and give you a strong board presence through little effort is not a fun way to play the game.

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