Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Cards Shaman Will Lose From Arena in Blizzard's Card Game

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#3. Hot Spring Guardian

Image result for Hot Spring Guardian hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Hot Spring Guardian is a heal and a Taunt, so a better version of the Classic Card Earthen Ring Farseer which does the same thing. It also has an Elemental tag to it, so it synergizes well with other Elemental cards, which Shaman has plenty of along with the Neutral ones.

At 4 health, it can withstand most 2-drops and 3-drops while dealing enough damage. Even in the late game, when you need 3 health or a heal on a minion it comes in handy and as a second barrier.

#2. Unstable Evolution

Image result for unstable evolution hearthstone

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Unstable Evolution is cheap and an early version of the Echo mechanic. At 1 mana, you can evolve your minions on board to much stronger ones gaining a significant advantage on the board. You can trade your minions without killing them and evolve them into much better ones and turn the game around for you.

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