Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Cards Shaman Will Lose From Constructed in Blizzard's Card Game

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#3. Volcano

Image result for volcano hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Volcano is the strongest board clear for Shaman. It can do more damage than Lightning Storm if the board is small enough and is one of the few high damage board clear spells. The card only costs 5 with an Overload of 2, making it very balanced despite its strong damage. It can be a problem if there are too many high health minions on board, where RNG will need to save you from clearing the right minions.

#2. Kalimos, Primal Lord

Image result for kalimos hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Kalimos is a versatile legendary that allows the Shaman player to cast different effects based on their situation. The only condition is that you play an Elemental the previous turn, which is easy for Shaman. Invocation of Earth and Invocation of Air are the strongest effects, but you can use the other two depending on your situation as well.

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