Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Cards Warlock Will Lose From Constructed in Blizzard's Card Game

Image result for bloodreaver gul'dan

Warlock will lose a lot of cards in Hearthstone's 2019 Standard Rotation. Warlock is the class with the best hero power in the game and it received many strong additions in the expansions Journey to Un'Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne and Kobolds & Catacombs.

It received possibly the strongest Death Knight card in the game and some interesting mechanics in all the expansions.

Warlock has always been among the top classes due to its strong power level cards and Hero Power. Blizzard tried to make the Discard mechanic work but failed, although that seems to have changed from Rastakhan's Rumble.

Here are some of the best Warlock cards that the class will be losing with the Standard Rotation in 2019.

#5. Kobold Librarian

Image result for kobold librarian hearthstone

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Kobold Librarian is a strong 1-drop, giving you draw on your first turn. It synergizes well with cards such as Amethyst Spellstone and Hooked Reaver. Due to the number of heal spells that Warlock has in its pool, taking 1 damage is not a big deal. The 2/1 body along with the draw is worth the damage and Warlock's ability to draw makes this card a strong addition to the Warlock class.

#4. Lesser Amethyst Spellstone

Image result for lesser amethyst spellstone hearthstone

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Lesser Amethyst Spellstone is a strong heal for the Warlock class. It synergizes with many Warlock cards that deal damage to your own face, such as Hellfire, Dread Infernal, Kobold Librarian, Vulgar Homunculus and others. The Spellstone is easy to upgrade since it only requires a one time instance of damage, unlike other spellstones.

The Spellstone mechanic was unique to Kobolds & Catacombs and the Amethyst Spellstone is probably the strongest one that is being rotated from Standard. Warlock also had Dark Pact for a heal from the same expansion, which is another big Healing card loss.

#3. Bloodreaver Gul'dan

Image result for hearthstone bloodreaver gul'dan

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Bloodreaver Gul'dan is possibly the strongest Death Knight Hero Card, contested with Jaina and Rexxar. Even though it is 10 mana, the Battlecry can help you resurrect strong Demons such as Voidlord, Doomguard and flood your board with Demons.

The Hero Power of Bloodreaver Gul'dan is also very strong, compensating for the useless Hero Power of Warlocks during the Fatigue stage. At some point, you don't need to draw too much and gaining 3 life and dealing damage comes in handy.

#2. Voidlord

Image result for voidlord hearthstone

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Voidlord, often called Void Daddy, is an extremely powerful Taunt for the Warlock class. At 9 health and the Deathrattle summoning 9 more health, it is incredibly tough to penetrate unless you Silence the minion. Voidlord can be summoned from Bane of Doom or cheated out with Skull of the Manari on an earlier turn since it is a Demon.

Voidlord is similar to Priest's Obsidian Statue, both powerful 9-drop taunts and Epics.

#1. Defile

Image result for hearthstone defile

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Defile is a unique card with probably the best design ever (according to me at least). It is a powerful board clear if you have 1-2-3 etc. health minions which can give you a full clear. The card is known for being a "Defile puzzle" where players can figure out tricky board clears by getting the correct sequence. The final puzzle in the Boomsday Project's Puzzle mode is a Defile puzzle (and boy is it hard).

Honourable Mentions

Clutchmother Zavas

Image result for hearthstone clutchmother zavas

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Clutchmother Zavas is the first type of Discard card to return to your hand after discard. Silverware Golem was the only other viable discard mechanic minion before this card. Zavas is leaving at an interesting period, where the discard mechanic has gotten better. The Quest Lakkari Sacrifice also goes with Zavas.


Image result for hearthstone Cataclysm

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Ah, the Deathwing spell. Cataclysm saw a lot of popularity where you could complete the Warlock Quest in just one turn. When Mecha'thun was released, it combined with Bloodbloom (using health to cast a spell instead of mana) to cast Cataclysm and destroy all minions, winning you the game.

Skull of the Man'ari

Image result for hearthstone skull of the man'ari deck

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

The legendary weapon Skull of the Man'ari allowed Warlocks to cheat out Demons with high mana costs, doing away with their negative effects. For example, Doomguard makes you discard two cards but Skull of the Man'ari allowed you to bring it on board without discarding.

It also brought out high mana cost Voidlord while you still had extra mana to spend. You could Carnivorous Cube your Demons and gain double copies with Dark Pact. This was the Cube Warlock deck which will die with this rotation.

Possessed Lackey

Image result for hearthstone possessed lackey

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Possessed Lackey is a card so strong it had to be nerfed. It also allowed the Warlock to cheat out Demons by getting them from the deck. In case you draw it, you have Skull to recover. At 6 mana, it saw a significant hit and did not have the same power level as it used to. Mana cheating is no good!

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