Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Arena Cards Mage Will Lose in 2019

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#3. Primordial Glyph

Image result for primordial glyph hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Primordial Glyph is as busted in Arena as it is in Constructed. A cheap spell which allows you to discover a discounted spell. Not only can you discover board clears you can also discover card draw such as Arcane Intellect, removals such as Polymorph and other useful spells. All of these spells get discounted by 2 which allows you to use extra mana to play another card.

#2. Leyline Manipulator

Image result for leyline manipulator hearthstone

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Remember that spell you got from Primordial Glyph? Now discount it by 2 more, to a total discount of 4 mana with Leyline Manipulator. Even if you don't generate random cards, Leyline Manipulator is a nicely statted 4-drop. It is a Chillwind Yeti but with a Battlecry. You can generate random spells from the Spellstone, the new Classic Mage card or other cards and even get random minions from spells and other minions.

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