Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Arena Cards Priest Will Lose in 2019

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#3. Crystalline Oracle

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Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

This little guy has the same tier score in Heartharena as Obsidian Statue! Crystalline Oracle has the same effect as a Thoughtsteal but the 1/1 body is useful to play on turn 1. Even though it is very RNG based, the value of a card from your opponent's deck has more value in Arena. You could get something useless like a Deadly Poison sometimes too, but even copying a Neutral minion is useful.

#2. Free from Amber

Image result for free from amber hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Free from Amber is a spell that has so much value in Arena. You can discover an 8 cost to 10 cost minion for a potential discount. You can summon a Taunt to keep you safe, a giant dragon such as Ysera or anything else to help your situation and board.

Most minions that cost 8 and above, including the giants, are pretty well statted and there are very few bad ones. You might sometimes get a Togwaggle but the Discover mechanic gives you better odds with the other two.

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