Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Arena Cards Rogue Will Lose in 2019

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#3. Plague Scientist

Image result for plague scientist hearthstone

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Plague Scientist is much more useful in Arena than Constructed. Poisonous minions in Arena stand out because they can be devastating to your opponent and they can't play a large minion of their choice. Plague Scientist allows you to give a minion Poisonous from hand, so your opponent will not see it coming. You can play around Poisonous minions on board, but not around minions that suddenly get Poisonous out of nowhere.

#2. Envenom Weapon

Image result for envenom weapon hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Envenom Weapon is a card you will never see in Constructed. Like mentioned previously, Poisonous has a lot of value in Arena. Normally, Rogues use their Hero Power followed by Envenom Weapon to gain 2 charges of Poisonous on a 1 damage weapon.

Weapon removal is not so common in Arena, so it's very difficult to play around Envenom Weapon. The Poisonous effect is worth any face damage you take.

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