Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Paladin Cards Leaving Standard in 2019 (Constructed)

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#3. Vinecleaver

Image result for vinecleaver hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Another card from the Un'Goro set which is an extremely powerful tool for Odd Paladin. Even as a standalone, Vinecleaver is fairly balanced with its mana cost, 4 damage and 3 durability. It is not as powerful as classic weapons such as Truesilver Champion, which is the same attack with one less durability and 3 lesser mana.

However, the ability to bring out 6 silver hand recruits which you can potentially buff is quite strong and what makes this weapon so great.

#2. Sunkeeper Tarim

Image result for sunkeeper tarim hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Sunkeeper Tarim is an extremely strong class card for Paladin. He has the ability to buff your small minions into 3/3 bodies and to reduce the stats of your opponents minion to 3/3. He also has taunt, which can protect your 3/3 bodies while having 7 damage worth of health to bypass. Paladin players will sorely miss this strong card.

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