Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The Best Arena Cards Druid Will Lose in 2019 in Blizzard's Card Game

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Druid, the most hated class in Hearthstone. In Arena though, Druid is not as powerful as it is in the Constructed Mode. The Standard rotation cycle is due in a couple of months and that affects Arena too. Cards from the sets Journey to Un'Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne and Kobolds & Catacombs will no longer be in Arena either.

They are losing some great cards that do really well in the constructed mode. Arena is not quite the same though. Druid has historically been very average in Arena. The problem with Druid is that they do not have target removal (except for Naturalize, which is terrible in Arena) and classes that do have good removal outshined Druid.

Nonetheless, Druid did have some good cards as well as Neutrals which synergized well with the class. Here are some notable ones leaving.

#5. Shellshifter

Image result for shellshifter hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Shellshifter was not that great in Constructed. At 4 mana, it serves as a Sen'jin Shield Masta or a good removal for high health minions at the 4-5 mana slot. With Stealth, it becomes useful despite its relatively low health.

#4. Tyrantus

Image result for tyrantus hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Tyrantus was the most useless legendary in Un'Goro when the expansion was launched. In theory, it is a great card and hard to remove. But the main disadvantage is that it doesn't have taunt, it is too expensive to play and the 12 damage may not be helpful at all.

Tyrantus was quite a menace when Spiteful Summoner was used back when it was released in December 2017. It was very easy to generate 10-drops from a 10-cost spell. In Arena, he is generally ok, better than he is in constructed. A 12/12 which can't be removed except for trading can be really hard to deal with. It can also pose to be a threat/

#3. Druid of the Swarm

Image result for druid of the swarm hearthstone

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Druid of the Swarm is another card which didn't have a fit in Constructed. There were better cards to play in the 2-drop slot. It is a great 2 drop in Arena though. A 1/5 taunt is a fairly statted body and higher than most taunts. A 1/2 poisonous is versatile enough to be played at any point of the game and not just on turn 2. It's useful defensively and as a threat against big minions.

#2. Spreading Plague

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Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Spreading Plague spread madness in constructed and did the same in Arena too. Spreading Plague is the best defensive card and brutally punishes your opponent for flooding their board. It gets really difficult to kill all the 1/5 taunts in your board, especially when you have up to 6 or 7 them.

The 1/5 taunts is a great way for Druids to recover their board back while your opponent is busy taking down your taunts.

#1. Ultimate Infestation

Image result for hearthstone ultimate infestation

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Ultimate Infestation is the best card any Druid could draft in Arena right now. It acts a removal, armour gain, a body summon and ridiculous Draw 5 cards. Card draw is the strongest mechanic in the game but drawing 5 cards in Arena has an insane amount of value, even if you are consuming a full turn to play this card.

Honourable Mentions


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Webweave, even though expensive, summons 1/2 spiders with poisonous which can pose to be a great threat to your opponent.

Bittertide Hydra

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Although Bittertide Hydra is a neutral card and has the downside of dealing 3 damage to your hero, it has great synergy with Druid and fits perfectly well. It is a low cost, high statted minion which poses a threat to your opponent. Druids have enough armour gain to survive the downside as well.

Stoneskin Basilisk

Image result for stoneskin basilisk hearthstone

A really great neutral card in Arena, Stoneskin Basilisk helps Druid in the area they are lacking: target removal. It poses a big enough threat and is much harder to kill.

Tortollan Forager

Image result for tortollan forager hearthstone

Tortollan Forager does not seem like a very great minion at first glance. It is an average statted 2 drop but it also gives you an additional stronger 5+ attack minion you can use for later. This is a little dependent on RNG, but there are usually good 5+ attack minions which are useful.

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