Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Arena Cards Hunter Will Lose in 2019

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#4. Jeweled Macaw

Image result for jeweled macaw hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Jeweled Macaw is quite RNG dependent, but as a 1-drop with it's Battlecry, it can prove to be incredibly useful. You have a 1/1 body worth of stats, which also adds a Beast to your hand which you can use later.

You might get mediocre beasts like Oasis Snapjaw sometimes but in general, most Beasts are pretty useful to play in Arena. You may get some amazing beasts with amazing synergy but it's also fine if you don't!

#3. Candleshot

Image result for candleshot hearthstone

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Candleshot is just as good in Arena as it is in Constructed. While you may not always draft a Hunter's Mark to synergize with the weapon, a 1 damage ping in Arena is surprisingly helpful. That's why cards like Elven Archer are better in Arena.

At a cheap cost, Candleshot can be used to tear down your opponent's 1 or 2-drops, but it can also be helpful to do that one additional damage in case you are short of damage while trading against a big minion.