Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Arena Cards Hunter Will Lose in 2019

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#2. Venomstrike Trap

Image result for venomstrike trap hearthstone

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Venomstrike Trap pretty much sees no play in Constructed. In Arena, however, this card is one of the best secrets you could draft while also punishing your opponent for trying to attack your minions. Poisonous minions have a lot of value in Arena because they are not so easily removed like they are in Constructed.

Emperor Cobra is also a great standalone card. Popping up as a surprise and as a threat on your board is some serious value!

#1. Flanking Strike

Image result for flanking strike hearthstone

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Just like in Constructed, Flanking Strike proved to be a surprisingly useful spell in Hunter. Dealing 3 damage to a 3-drop, 4-drop on turn 4 or even as bonus damage against a bigger minion you are trading. The 3/3 Wolf is also a useful body to have. It is also a Beast, which synergizes with many Hunter cards.

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