Hearthstone: The Best Meta-Defining Cards That Are Leaving Standard in 2019

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#6. Sunkeeper Tarim

Image result for sunkeeper tarim

Expansion: Journey to Un'goro

Sunkeeper Tarim is just an all-round flexible card. It saw a lot of play in Even Paladin, but it also can be discovered by Stonehill Defender. Buffing your 1/1 dudes into 3/3 dudes or buffing your small aggressive minions into 3/3 aggressive minions posed a serious threat. At 6 mana, the card is great at mid-range and his Taunt helps the player to defend his newly buffed 3/3 minions. Or you could use to remove your enemy's big board.

#5. Tar Creeper

Image result for tar creeper

Expansion: Journey to Un'goro

Tar Creeper is a cheap minion that mimics the best taunt from the classic set: Sen'jin Shieldmasta. A purely defensive card, this card poses a threat to your opponent's smaller minions they have played in turns 1-3. It is not overpowered due to its 1 health on your turn, but it saw a place in almost every deck (especially when the best decks were aggressive ones).

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