How to start a “Surrender Vote” in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Image via Riot Games

Not every match of League of Legends: Wild Rift will go in a player’s favor in the first couple of minutes.

When making a comeback seems like a distant dream, there aren't many options other than surrendering a vote.

League of Legends, as well its mobile version Wild Rift, comes with certain core mechanics. These mechanics allow players to make a comeback even after they have been in a large deficit for a majority of the early game.

Factors such as objective control, late-game scaling, and team composition play a significant role in improving the chances of a comeback for the losing team.

However, the gap between the two teams is so big at times that no amount of late-game scaling can help. In situations like these, it’s always better to throw in the towel than to grind out the game, lose time and rankings in Wild Rift.

How to surrender in Wild Rift


Surrendering or starting the vote to surrender in League of Legends: Wild Rift is rather simple.

While in the game, players can just click on the settings button, which is to the right of the mini-map; that will pull up the menu with the “SURRENDER” button below.

Now, it’s important to keep in mind that just like in the base game League of Legends, players will not be able to start a surrender vote in Wild Rift right away.

But there is a slight difference here. As Wild Rift is much more fast-paced and ends quicker, it will only allow a surrender vote to generate after five minutes have passed, unlike the customary 15 in League of Legends.

Image via Notagamer
Image via Notagamer

More importantly, for the surrender to pass, the majority of the team votes need to be for the decision. So unless there are four yes votes, the surrender will not go through, and players will have to play out the remainder of the match.

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