League of Legends: How to properly use Dr. Mundo in the jungle

Via RiotGames
Via RiotGames

Dr. Mundo has not been in meta for quite some time now. His kit is very one dimensional and doesn't do much aside from being a menacing front line. However, he has received several buffs during the entirety of this season, which has made him one of the strongest picks right now (jungle role).

So what makes Dr. Mundo so strong right now?

He has received a couple of buffs over the past few patches. His 'Q' and 'E' deals more damage, his magic resist has been increased and even his scaling has been improved.

Dr. Mundo has a weak early game but since you are playing him in the jungle you can neglect the early phase.

How to get most out of him right now?

Start the game with Hunter Talisman and Refillable Potion. You can start at Raptor camp or Red buff. You can solo the camps, so a leash is not required.

Go for a full clear after that and try to get Scuttle Crab if possible. When you clear all your camps, go to the base and upgrade your jungle item. Once you have Cinderhulk, you'll be able to duel just about anybody.

Your ganks are very effective if you manage to land your cleaver. As the game progresses, you will become bulkier and almost unkillable.

You have to Max your 'E' first since it gives you better jungle clear. It also gives you a bonus AD on your next auto-attack.

What Runes to take?

Fleet Footwork is the most optimal Rune for Dr. Mundo. It allows you to clear camps efficiently as it grants you a little bit of life steal. This paired with Tenacity, and the Last Stand will give you crowd control reduction and will also buff your damage when you are low.

You can take Approach Velocity and Inspiration in your secondary tree. This will allow you to chase enemy targets properly.

Item Build

You can follow the standard Dr.Mundo build as he scales pretty well with it. Cinderhulk should be the priority and after that, you build according to the game. Warmog's Armor is a pretty important item along with Mercury's Treads.

If there is a lot of AD damage in the game, you can opt for Deadman's Plate or Randuin's Omen. You can also build Spirit Visage if they have a lot of Magic damage. This might be the perfect time to Dr.Mundo and gain some free LP. He is easy to play and doesn't require hours of practice.

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