League of Legends: Final Roadmap of the year

property of LeagueofLegends/RiotGames

Riot has released the Champion Roadmap. This Roadmap will be the last Roadmap going onto next season. Riot issued a statement "Hey guys, we’re back with the final Champion Roadmap of the year. This season, the Champions Team has been focusing slightly more on VGUs and slightly less on new champs, so I won’t be mimicking the last couple blog posts exactly. Instead, I’ll be focusing mostly on the upcoming VGUs. We do have a few new champions in development—including a rather colorful mage that won’t stay hidden for too much longer—but it’s a bit far away to go into specific details yet." Here are the highlights of the complete Roadmap -

Nunu changes are incoming-

Nunu is one of the oldest champions in the game. His kit is pretty outdated and he doesn't provide much to the team. Riot has finally decided to update the champions and here are the major points-

* His ultimate and Consume ability will remain the same as It's an integral part of the kit.

* According to Riot his new kit will revolve around setting up plays which will be hilarious to watch.

* Nunu will keep its identity as an Objective control jungler.

Ezreal ability changes-

Ezreal is one of the most played ADC. The champion has a high skill cap which makes him a fan favorite. However, his current iteration of W which is Essence Flux is quite redundant. The ability doesn't do much and the ability is hardly used. The new version of the ability will be coming soon. His Visuals and Voiceover are changing too!

Kayle and Morgana changes-

Kayle and Morgana will also be receiving some changes moving forward. Morgana is still viable to play and often can be seen in games, however, Kayle is pretty outdated as her kit is pretty straightforward and doesn't provide any real thrill. Morgana will be receiving small changes while Kayle will receive big ones. The duo will also get their Lore and storyline rewritten.

Apart from this Riot have revealed that they are working on a new champ which is supposed to be a mage. The release date has not be revealed yet.

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