League of Legends: What to build on Aphelios as an AD Carry

Aphelios is now playable on PBE
Aphelios is now playable on PBE

League of Legends' next Champion Aphelios is now playable on PBE servers, and his abilities have been revealed.

Aphelios, the weapon of faithful, is a marksman who will primarily act as an AD Carry. He is one of the most complicated Champions Riot Games has ever released and learning his abilities properly will certainly take time.

Although Aphelios has a high learning curve, he can be lethal in the right hands. The Champion has an overloaded kit and when used correctly can wreak havoc on the enemy team. There is no specific build for him at the moment, as he was just released, but here is the most optimal build for Aphelios right now.


Aphelios can take Fleet Footwork or Press The Attack in the primary Rune tree. Fleet Footwork will provide sustainability in the laning phase while Press The Attack will provide more damage. Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup De Grace should fill the rest of the primary Rune tree.

Aphelios is very versatile and can take both Inspiration or Sorcery in the secondary Rune tree. However, Sorcery is more optimal as it will help with mana issues in the early game. Sorcery should be followed by Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm.

Recommended Rune path

Primary Tree- Fleet Footwork, Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup De Grace.

Secondary Tree- Sorcery, Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm.


Since Aphelios is an AD Carry, Doran’s Blade is the most optimal item to start the game. Aphelios scales great with Critical Strike items and his build mostly revolves around it. Depending on the situation, the first item can either be Essence Reaver or Infinity Edge. Essence Reaver will provide less damage but will help with mana issues in the early game, while Infinity Edge will give a huge damage boost.

Either way, both the items are core to Aphelios’ build, and they should be included in the main build irrespective of priority.

After the core build, Critical Strike multiplier items such as Runan's hurricane, Rapid Fire Cannon, Phantom Dancer, and Statikk Shiv can be added to the build. There is no straight-out best Critical Strike multiplier for Aphelios and it depends on game requirements and situation. Guardian Angel or Bloodthirster can be the final item to finish the build.

Recommended final Build:

Essence Reaver, Infinity Edge, Berserker's Greave, Phantom Dancer, Runna's Hurricane and Guardian Angel.

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