LOL: Lux is set to get more playmaking options in her kit in patch 10.4

Lux getting some love from Riot in patch 10.4
Lux getting some love from Riot in patch 10.4

It’s been a while since Riot planned any significant changes for Lux, and in 10.4, one of League of Legends’ most iconic champions is set to receive some buffs to her kit, which will once again make her viable in the meta.

Lux being one of the earliest champions to hit the rift currently has a kit that is quite outdated when compared to the recent champion releases. She lacks any sort of mobility, and hard engage tools, and some of her mechanics look rather clunky, and generally not all that fun to play with.

And though last season she saw a steady rise in popularity in the support role, she soon fell off the meta after some patches nerfed her utility and overall damage output. Currently, in the mid lane, Lux is sitting at a win rate of 49.94%, while in the support role, it’s even lower and boasts a meager rate of 46.39%.

The expected Lux buffs
The expected Lux buffs

Come 10.4; Riot is planning to give her a bit more agency, by buffing her damage and burst potential. Her Q is now going to deal 80 to 260 (+0.6AP) from the previous 70 t0 250 (+0.7AP), and will also have a reduced cooldown of 11 to 9 seconds from 13 to 9 seconds.

These changes are sure to provide her with a significant boost in not just the laning phase, but improve her overall presence in team fights and late-game skirmishes as well. She will have more pushing power, and can now look to impact the side lanes more, than what she was previously capable of.

Moreover, similar to Ezreal, Lux too will now be able to flash while casting her ultimate. It will now make it easier for Lux players to snipe out low health targets with her ultimate, and improve her playmaking potential significantly.

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