LOL: T1 Clinch a win in a 2-1 nail-biter against DAMWON Gaming

T1 clinch out a win against DAMWON Gaming
T1 clinch out a win against DAMWON Gaming

The opening match of the League of Legends LCK Spring Split 2020 started with a bang, and it saw two tournament favorites in T1 and DAMWON Gaming face off against each other in a brutal 2-1 finish.

Though DAMWON inched ahead in game 1, T1 was still able to bring it back with two straight wins against them. In both games, the ‘Unkillable Demon King” himself, Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok had a pop-off performance and was awarded the MVP of the series.

Faker got the Player of the Game for Games 2 and 3
Faker got the Player of the Game for Games 2 and 3

However, not everything was smooth sailing for T1 in the series. In all three games, they had significant drafting issues compared to the comp that DAMWON brought to the table.

The champions that T1 picked in games 2 and 3 were quite strong individually, but they didn't do much when combined together. However, they were still able to outmuscle DAMWON around the objectives during the late game, winning out heavily in the team fights

Faker hard carried with LeBlanc in game 2
Faker hard carried with LeBlanc in game 2

Faker’s LeBlanc pick in game 2 and Tristana in game 3 came up clutch in many of the late game skirmishes, and he was able to dish out the highest amount of damage out of all of them.

DAMWON’s roster was unchanged from Season 9, and they looked like they were going to win the series against T1 today. Their star top-laner Jang "Nuguri" Ha-gwon had his opponent Kim "Roach" Kang-hui’s number all game long,

He was out-CSing and out-rotating Roach throughout the game while having a greater team fight presence. His Kayle and Sett were forces to be reckoned with, but T1 was able to play around him rather well and overpowered DAMWON in some of the crucial team fights.

There were a lot of mistakes made by both teams during the series, and there is a lot that they would need to brush up on in the coming weeks.

According to the casters Nick "LS" De Cesare and Max “Atlas” Anderson, DAWMON need to have better decision making during the late game, while T1 should really work on their drafting issue and overall team synergy as they are still a very new roster.

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