LoL: Why Nasus should be your exit ticket from lower ranks

Via RiotGames
Via RiotGames

Nasus is known for being insanely powerful at lower elo's. However, as we move up the ladder, he doesn't perform quite well as he has some obvious weakness to him. Nasus has never been a meta champion historically. There are players who can trick him and find success but, as a whole, he is never at the top. This is mainly due to the fact that his kit is very one dimensional and doesn't provide much. He also takes a very long time to scale and isn't worth most of the time.

However, if you manage to stack properly on him, he is definitely one of the strongest in the game. The sheer amount of tankiness and massive damage he brings to the table can't be ignored.

Nasus did receive a significant buff in patch 9.1 which has made him viable again. It is a straight out buff to this stacking which is really good for his early game. Basically, he will now get 12 stacks from canon minions -- Jungle monsters and kills. Prior to the patch, he used to get 6 stacks from those. This is insane, considering the fact you can get a large amount of stack early in the game. According to Riot, people struggle to stack properly in lower elo's and this buff will help them to get a decent stack number.

You can easily get 300+ stack inside 20 minutes which should be very good for the mid-game. Nasus still has some glaring weakness such as getting kited easily or not providing any kind of reliable CC. However, if you manage to stack properly, he should be a major threat especially in lower elo's. If you are not a high elo player and are looking to pick a new champion, you should definitely try Nasus since he is very easy to learn. He is in a decent state now and will definitely net you some victories.