Miasmic Tumor in Genshin Impact: Location, How to find, and more

Finding and beating the Miasmic Tumor ends a long questline in Genshin Impact. (image via WoW Quests)
Finding and beating the Miasmic Tumor ends a long questline in Genshin Impact. (image via WoW Quests)

In Genshin Impact, the Miasmic Tumor is the final boss in a long series of world quests that are part of the Yougou Cleansing Ritual quest in Inazuma.

To fight the Miasmic Tumor, players need to first complete the preceding world quests. Players start this quest series with “A Strange Story in Konda,” and end with “Yougou Cleansing.”

In this last quest, with all prior shrines cleansed, the Traveler deals with the problem at its source. The Miasmic Tumor has been contaminating Inazuma’s Sacred Sakura, and it is now ready to be challenged.

Where is the Miasmic Tumor in Genshin Impact?

Miasmic Tumor location (image via Genshin Impact)
Miasmic Tumor location (image via Genshin Impact)

The Miasmic Tumor is right by the Narukami Shrine on the Genshin Impact map. It is, however, much lower in elevation. To approach it, players can start at the Sacred Sakura, then glide down from the north side to see a staircase. In the Yougou Cleansing quest, Kazari will be waiting for the Traveler here.

Kazari asks the Traveler to jump a far distance into a cavern and confront the Miasmic Tumor there. The boss is a giant, pink growth embedded in the Sacred Sakura’s roots.

Confronting the Miasmic Tumor in Genshin Impact (image via WoW Quests)
Confronting the Miasmic Tumor in Genshin Impact (image via WoW Quests)

Miasmic Tumor challenge mechanics in Genshin Impact

The Miasmic Tumor will spawn several samurai enemies that players must defeat. Moreover, while players fight, they must solve diagram-based Electro puzzles like those seen in preceding quests.

After defeating a wave of samurai, it’s a good time to solve the puzzle. Players must properly set the notches in the room according to the diagram, using numbers from 2-5. Each notch besides the starting point can be adjusted, and the designated numbers will determine how energy flows.

Miasmic Tumor puzzle (image via WoW Quests)
Miasmic Tumor puzzle (image via WoW Quests)

The goal with these puzzles is that energy flows in a way that mimics the diagram shown. Players can press “Pray” on the starting notch to submit a solution to the puzzle.

When a puzzle is complete, the Miasmic Tumor will descend to the ground. Here, players can start doing actual damage to the boss. If the tumor isn’t defeated here, it will rise again and spawn more samurai and a new puzzle. Because of this, most players will have to repeat the whole process a few times.

The Miasmic Tumor in a vulnerable state (image via WoW Quests)
The Miasmic Tumor in a vulnerable state (image via WoW Quests)

As a word of warning, Electro energy is high in this challenge. Players should try to keep an Electrograna around at all times while facing the Miasmic Tumor.

When the Miasmic Tumor is defeated, the ending to the questline will commence. Kazari reveals who she really is and explains some things that have been piquing the Traveler’s and Paimon’s curiosity.

Also read: Genshin Impact guide to The Farmer's Treasure: All 4 old stone slate locations revealed

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