4 'Gears of War' pros gang up on female Twitch streamer, harass her for over 90 minutes on livestream

(Image via Twitch)
(Image via Twitch)

A female Gears of War Twitch streamer ended her stream earlier than expected after four pros harassed her during the stream.

What might have started as a “joke” during a Gears of War stream, ended up turning into a sexual harassment issue. An unfortunate female streamer was left in shock, awe, and disgust as she had to leave her own stream earlier than planned due to some of the harsh and foul language that was directed at her. The four pro league players were revealed to be Vital, Noey, Reptilian, and Shock.

Thankfully, these four Gears of War pro league players got the punishment they deserved.

Gears of War Pros Bans

The female’s Twitch stream was on the receiving end of foul language depicting these four male pro league players wanting to do sexual acts to her and continuing the “joke” for 90 minutes while she tries to play. Naturally, the female streamer took the insults as jokes at the beginning, mainly because she was nervous, not because it was a great time for her. The best thing she could do was leave the stream, ending it early.

Thankfully, Microsoft, The Coalition, and Gears Esports all performed their investigation and concluded it by banning Vital, Noey, Reptilian, and Shock from competing in any Gears Esports competitions. The ban was clearly due to the fact that each pro league player was found violating the Gears Esports Code of Conduct because of multiple acts of sexual harassment against the streamer.

These Gears of War pros will also have to forfeit all their current prizes from the Phase of Pro League competition. Because of this, the Gears Esports administration also had to postpone all matches for the week to even begin the investigation. The entire 90-minute stream is very unfortunate as it’s extremely upsetting and disappointing. Thankfully these pros were banned, though it's not entirely clear whether or not it's a permanent ban as of now.

Some of the pro players did come out with apologies on Twitter but focused more on their “career” ending rather than the actual apology itself.

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