How to level up fast in Genshin Impact: Best ways to boost your Adventure rank quickly

How to boost Adventure Rank in Genshin Impact
How to boost Adventure Rank in Genshin Impact

Leveling up adventure rank in Genshin Impact is a fundamental objective for players. It unlocks multiple features such as co-op, new domains, and more.

Having a low adventure rank in Genshin Impact can result in players getting a limited number of activities to engage in. Like most role-playing games, Genshin Impact also requires more adventure experience to level up as the player gets higher adventure ranks.

Understandably, leveling up the adventure rank can become extremely difficult as players reach higher levels. Nevertheless, players can easily level up their adventure rank within a short span of time if they indulge in all the experience earning features available in Genshin Impact.


Boosting Adventure Rank in Genshin Impact

There are a variety of methods available for players to earn adventure experience in Genshin Impact.

The methods by which players can boost their Adventure Rank in Genshin Impact are:

  • Completing Daily Commission: Players can amass a lot of adventure experience by simply completing the daily commissions available from the Adventurer's Guild. Players can complete up to four daily commissions each day, earning more than 1,000 adventure experience regularly.
  • Hunting Bosses: Players can find active bosses from the "Bosses" tab on their adventure handbook. Specific bosses reward players with adventure EXP, while also providing a separate questline for the player to indulge in.
  • Clearing Domains: Players should check their Adventurer's Handbook before proceeding to clear a domain. Not every domain rewards players with an adventure experience. It is advised that players check the bounties before traveling to the respective domain.
  • Adventurer's Handbook Experience Tasks: Although these are one-time tasks that cannot be repeated, the experience tasks present in the Adventurer's Handbook definitely provide players with the highest adventure experience. With almost 2,000 experience to be claimed from the first three tasks alone, players should try and complete all of these fairly simple tasks at the earliest.
  • Completing Quests: Completing quests in-game will reward players with additional Adventure experience. Despite all the methods available for players to earn adventure experience, completing quests in Genshin Impact remains a classic way of leveling up Adventure Rank.

Following all of these steps should allow players to level up their Adventure Rank with extreme swiftness. With a higher Adventure Rank, players can explore all the features and domains available in Genshin Impact.

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