LS and Nemesis reveal their competitive tier list for League of Legends champions

LS and Nemesis reveal their champion tier list for League of Legends Season 11 (Image via Riot Games)
LS and Nemesis reveal their champion tier list for League of Legends Season 11 (Image via Riot Games)

Nick "LS" De Cesare and Tim "Nemesis" Lipovsek recently revealed a tier list of all League of Legends champions, according to their roles.

The list presented by LS and Nemesis is based solely on the individual ability of the champion and not how it performs in sync with other champions in League of Legends.

LS also stated that the list does not consider the possibility of counter-picking the champions either. Additionally, this list is only for competitive play and not for regular public lobbies in League of Legends.

LS revealed five separate lists for all five roles in League of Legends. The roles present in the popular MOBA title are:

  • Top laner
  • Jungler
  • Mid laner
  • Support
  • Attack-Damage-Carry(ADC/Bottom laner)

Here are the League of Legends' champions' tier lists presented by LS and Nemesis.

LS and Nemesis' tier list for League of Legends' champions

Top Lane

  • S-Tier: Camille, and Irelia.
  • A-Tier: Gangplank, Karma, Ivern, and Lulu.
  • B-Tier: Akali, Aatrox, Fiora, Illaoi, Jayce, Jax, Gragas, Cho'Gath, Lucian, Ornn, Malphite, Urgot, Pantheon, Renekton, Shen, Sion, Rengar, and Yone.
  • C-Tier: Cassiopeia, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Kayle, Kayn, Kennen, Olaf, Poppy, Sett, Wukong, Volibear, Sylas, and Tryndamere.
  • D-Tier: Kled, Mordekaiser. and Vladimir.
  • Don't-Tier: Gnar, and Swain.


  • Z-Tier: Karthus.
  • S-Tier: Ivern, Evelynn, Kindred, and Lillia.
  • A-Tier: Gragas, Ekko, Graves, Kha'Zix, Taliyah, and Fiddlesticks.
  • B-Tier: Olaf, Jarvan IV, Shen, Urgot, Xin Zhao, Kayn, and Hecarim.
  • C-Tier: Rengar, Amumu, Pantheon, Lee, Sin, Skarner, Rek'Sai, Nidalee, and Elise.
  • D-Tier: Sejuani, and Zac.
  • Don't-Tier: Gnar, and Viego.

Mid Lane

  • A-Tier: Irelia, Orianna, Seraphine, Yone, Zoe, Soraka, and Anivia.
  • B-Tier: Karma, Ivern, Galio, Lulu, Ekko, Graves, Jhin, Lucian, Syndra, Tristana, and Viktor.
  • C-Tier: Annie, Akali, Zilean, Aurelion Sol, Azir, Pantheon, Cho'Gath, Corki, Fizz, Heimerdinger, Karthus, Jayce, Lissandra, Katarina, Xerath, Malzahar, Rumble, Sylas, Talon, Twisted Fate, Vel'Koz, Ziggs, and Neeko.
  • D-Tier: Cassiopeia, Diana, Illaoi, Kassadin, Kayle, LeBlanc, Qiyana, Ryze, Veigar, Vladimir, and Yassuo.
  • Don't-Tier: Gnar, and Zed.


  • S-Tier: Maokai.
  • A-Tier: Soraka, Seraphine, and Gragas.
  • B-Tier: Senna, Alistar, Blitzcrank, Ivern, Karma, Leona, Lulu, Morgana, Taric, Thresh, and Xerath.
  • C-Tier: Bard, Anivia, Twitch, Brand, Galio, Lux, Nautilis, Pantheon, Poppy, Rakan, Sett, Shen, Swain, Yuumi, Zac, Zilean, Zyra, and Rell.
  • D-Tier: Braum, Annie, Ashe, Miss Fortune, Janna, Nami, Pyke, and Tahm Kench.
  • Don't-Tier: Gnar.

Attack-Damage-Carry(ADC/Bottom Lane)

  • S-Tier: Aphelios, Jhin, Soraka, and Seraphine.
  • A-Tier: Ezreal, Miss Fortune, and Karthus.
  • B-Tier: Draven, Kai'Sa, Kog'Maw, Twitch, and Samira.
  • C-Tier: Ashe, Caitlyn, Jinx, Senna, Syndra, Xayah, Tristana, Vayne, Varus, and Yasuo.
  • D-Tier: Kalista, Lucian, Sivir, Ziggs, Viktor, and Yone.
  • Don't-Tier: Gnar.

With these tier lists, LS and Nemesis have made their opinions about Gnar extremely clear. Making an appearance in the "Don't-Tier" of each list, Gnar is definitely one of the most under-powered champions in League of Legends Season 11.