New Guilty Gear Strive trailer gives fans all the information they need to know about the game's modes

(Image via Arc System Works) Guilty Gear Strive will continue the hard-rock fighting game franchise
(Image via Arc System Works) Guilty Gear Strive will continue the hard-rock fighting game franchise

Guilty Gear Strive is the upcoming entry into the franchise that promises to include new game mechanics, new features, and a total rework. All of this has been done to help make the game inviting and easy for new players to pick up and play.

The latest trailer details what game modes will be present in Guilty Gear Strive, as well as the state of a few important features. It also discusses Arc System Works’ future plans for the game post-release. So far, it looks like Guilty Gear Strive will release with everything needed to learn and play the game from day one, as well as a few creative ways to experience the story of Guilty Gear Strive.


What can players do in Guilty Gear Strive?

Guilty Gear Strive will release with a variety of game modes for both single player and multiplayer. As is usual for fighting games, the single player game modes tend to be mostly there to support the multiplayer game modes, although there are some exceptions in Guilty Gear Strive.

Guilty Gear Strive will reportedly sport both a story mode and an arcade mode. The story mode will follow key characters within the game and will feature no fights or traditional gameplay. Rather, it’s a way for players interested in the lore and writing to follow along and see what happens to their favorite characters. Inversely, the arcade mode will be the traditional player vs CPU game mode most people are familiar with.

The arcade mode will also feature smaller side stories for the player’s chosen character, but will likely only be somewhat related to the game’s story mode, as was the case with previous titles. There will also be a tutorial (Guilty Gear is known for having one of the best-designed tutorials of any fighting game), a typical training mode, mission mode, and survival mode as well.

As expected, the focus is still on multiplayer

While the single player content is worth playing, it’s likely anyone who is considering Guilty Gear Strive is doing so for the opportunity to play with their friends. Guilty Gear Strive will feature the expected versus mode and a varied roster of 15 characters that each play very differently from one another.

Online multiplayer will also be supported from day one, with previous beta tests showcasing the game’s rollback netcode. Online will mostly be done through an online lobby organized by player skill which will help players identify opponents of equal skill. Players will also be able to host their own private lobbies to enjoy the game with their own group of friends.

Guilty Gear Strive will also allow players to crossplay between PS4 and PS5 players, though there is no word about whether PC players will be limited to their own lobbies. The PC fighting game community is growing, but many developers still isolate the PC community by limiting crossplay to consoles. Hopefully the PC community will be allowed to connect to console players in the future as fighting games are one of the few genres where console hardware should matter the least.

While Guilty Gear Strive promises to offer a lot of content, the success or failure of the game will ultimately depend on how finely tuned the game’s multiplayer content is. So long as the game is balanced, fun, and not too difficult to get into for new players, Guilty Gear Strive has a good shot at being one of the best fighting game releases.

Guilty Gear Strive is currently planned for release on April 9th of this year.