PUBG Mobile: New anti-cheat system bans 1,481,239 accounts this week

PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile, the popular battle royale title, has been growing at a tremendous rate, both in terms of revenue and downloads. Recently, according to a Sensor Tower report, the game bagged a total of $237.7 million in revenue in the month of April alone.

However, with this amount of success, PUBG Mobile has faced obstacles in the form of hackers and cheaters, who use third party software to gain an unfair advantage in game, in the process ruining the experience for the regular player-base.

To counter this, the developers of the title have put an anti-cheat system in place, which detects and punishes players using these cheats. The developers also rely on reports from the player-base to ban hackers.

Along with this, PUBG Mobile officials have also started the BanPan initiative, in which they publish weekly reports detailing the number of players banned and the types of cheats used.

PUBG Mobile Anti cheating reports
PUBG Mobile Anti cheating reports

This week (i.e From 7th to 13 May 2021) the officials banned a total of 1,481,239 accounts for cheating or hacking.

The number of accounts banned dipped by approximately 10.2% as compared to the previous week.

Breakdown of the PUBG Mobile player base banned in various tiers:

1. Bronze (35%)

2.) Silver (12%)

3.) Gold (9%)

4.) Platinum (10%)

5.) Crown (12%)

6.) Ace (8%)

7.) Conqueror (1%)

56% of the total players banned were from the lower tiers (i.e. Bronze, Silver and Gold) which proves the effectiveness of the anti-cheat system in early detection.

Breakup of the type of cheats used:

1.) Modification of Area Damage (5%): Allows the cheater to deal damage over a much larger area than default.

2.) Speed Hacks (13%): Allows the cheater to walk and run at a higher speed than normal.

3.) X Ray Vision (14%): Allows the cheater to observe and know the location of his enemies through obstacles such as walls and rocks.

4.) Modification of Character Model (15%): Allows the cheater to modify his/her character so as to gain an edge over the enemy.

5.) Auto- Aim (16%): Allows the cheater to directly aim at the enemy without any effort.

6.) Other (37 %): Miscellaneous Cheats

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