Overwatch: Winter Wonderland returns with skins and special events

Overwatch event Winter Wonderland starts December 11 and ends January 2
Overwatch event Winter Wonderland starts December 11 and ends January 2

The Winter Wonderland Event, the annual event by Overwatch around Christmas, is returning for the third time since its first launch.

There will be new loot boxes with a new round of skins, as well as skins from the previous Winter Wonderland events. There will also be special events in the Arcade Mode in-game during this time period. The event starts on 11 December 2018 and ends on 2 January 2019.

Blizzard have slowly revealed the new skins ever since they first announced the event. Some new skins include Arctic Fox Lucio, Sugar Plum Mercy and a skin for Zarya that was simply labeled "Pawsitively fursome".

Overwatch new Mercy skin

The Winter Wonderland event features the return of two limited time modes in Arcade. The first is Mei's Snowball Offensive. In this game mode, players are put in a 6v6 arena in the unique Arcade map Ecopoint: Antartica.

All 12 players control Mei, where they will need to shoot snowballs at each other. Mei only has her Ice Wall and Cryofreeze ability retained in this mode, with her ultimate giving her unlimited snowballs for 6 seconds. The objective is simply to eliminate the opponent's team before they do the same to your team.

The event also features the return of another unique Arcade mode called Yeti Hunter which is a 5 vs 1 game mode, consisting of a team of 5 players controlling only Meis and one player controlling Winston. The objective is for either the 5 Meis to eliminate the Winston or Winston to eliminate the 5 players.

The player controlling Winston has 5000 health instead of his usual 250. The only other difference is Mei's ultimate being replaced with Junkrat's steel trap and Winston's ultimate not giving him the ability to heal, but doing more damage.