PUBG: 5 Reasons why PUBG Mobile is the most popular battle royale game right now


#4 Introduction of Emulator

Yes! This is playing a large part behind the fame of PUBG Mobile. Most of the streamers who stream PUBG mobile have started using the emulator. It allows you to play the free-to-play mobile game on your computer, on the other hand, PUBG's original PC version will cost you 999 INR.

Emulator did not only help the streamers but a lot of people who are in PC gaming joined the game because of it. Many players wanted to play PUBG but the PC version was not cheap which held them back.

Now the emulator offers you the free-to-play game on your computer which attracted a lot of PC players to join the game.

#5 Ranking and Matchmaking System

PUBG ranking system allows new players to contest against others. The ranks are easier to increase and it does not take a lot of effort to push your ranks up. However, once you go ahead of Gold, the game will get tougher as you will encounter fewer bots and more real players. Bots are useless and almost suicidal. On the other hand, real players will use strategies to stay alive and do way more damage with each bullet.

The game decides your skill level using 9 different factors present in the game. Ranking and skill level is not the same in PUBG. If you are silver and you play as good as Ace, then chances are you will face a lot of players with ACE in your games or players who are like you, low ranked but highly skilled.

The ranking system will motivate new players to play more and contest to reach a higher rank while matchmaking will still be balanced because of the skill-based matchmaking system.

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