PUBG Guide: Where to find M24 in PUBG Mobile

Casetoo channel, YouTube
Casetoo channel, YouTube

M24 is in great demand in PUBG Mobile and is preferred by players because of its damage and faster tactical reloads. Given its firing prowess, M24 is a rare weapon and cannot be found easily.

With so many maps and places on PUBG Mobile, it is difficult to keep track of the weapon. Although weapon spawns are random and untraceable, some locations are hot drops which spawn rare items more frequently than others. Thus, after research, here is a look at the locations which might house the weapon more often.

(Disclaimer: Loot algorithms are not constant so there may be some variation on a few occasions.)


Novorepnoye in the map of Erangel
Novorepnoye in the map of Erangel

In the Erangel map, one can find M24 in Novorepnoye dock, which is located on the eastern side of a small island, which is connected to the main map. It is a hot drop location with a huge amount of spawns.

Georgopol (city & containers) which is located on the north-west part of the map is also a dock which could house M24, in addition to a variety of loot. Apart from these hot drop locations, M24 can also be found in Pochinki, Sosnovka Military Base, Mylta Power and occasionally, in Severny.


Ruins in the map of Sanhok
Ruins in the map of Sanhok

In Sanhok, one can find M24 in Ruins, which is located in the southwest quadrant of the map. The place has an old temple in the middle and is surrounded by some small statues. Pai Nan which is located to the southeast of Ruins, also offers sniper rifles like M24. Paradise Resort, which is another hot drop location provides M24 to the players, although the frequency isn't as high as that of Ruins.


Los Leones in the map of Miramar
Los Leones in the map of Miramar

In Miramar, one can find M24 in Pecado, which is located slightly south west from the centre of the map. It is a small town with a casino and three-storied gym. Another interesting location to get M24 is in the open buildings to the west of Los Leones. Some other places to search for M24 are Los Higos, Campos Militar and Water Treatment.


Dino Park in the map of Vikendi
Dino Park in the map of Vikendi

In Vikendi, one can find M24 in Dino Park, which is located in the south west part of the map. It is a pre-historic amusement park. Castle, which is located slightly south from the centre of the map is also a hot loot location for sniper rifles. Other interesting locations where one can find M24 are Goroka and Dobro Mesto.

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