PUBG Mobile: The story of Miramar revealed by Tencent

Miramar - Map in PUBG Mobile
Miramar - Map in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile comes up with a lot of new updates every season. So far we have seen features from the Call of Duty Mobile along with some major new additions like throwable weapons, new dresses, weapons, and new maps.

After the beginning of the new year 2020, the Tencent Corporation has come up with another surprise. On their Twitter, the officials upload a video that demonstrates a story of Miramar.

Miramar is a map that has gained a lot of popularity in various international tournaments like PMCO, PMSC, and PUBG Mobile India Series. The map is famous for its large story buildings and proved to be the best place for sniping. Also, Miramar has a new collection of weapons that are not visible in other maps.

The PUBG Miramar Story

In the story we can see two characters; Cockroach and one mysterious name. The Cockroach is seen discussing Russians and Americans - who is going to host the battlegrounds in Miramar. The mysterious character is monitoring and having an eye on the situation.

As soon as the character Cockroach disagrees with the Russian involvement, there is an explosion on Cockroach, and he dies. However, the real mystery is, there is still no clue about how this situation is going to be implemented in the actual Miramar map. Full details about the scene are not discussed in the video.

Such scenes mostly show some hidden treasures that are to be included in the real maps. In the past, we have seen such cases where a story becomes a feature in the real gameplay.

There will be a Community Skin contest very soon. The contests will get an opportunity to design the M416, parachutes, and hoodies. The designs selected by the team will be added to the actual game.

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