PUBG PC: Official Dev Letter announces 'Sound Improvement' update!

Official Letter
Official Letter

PUBG PC has gained popularity among gamers, and developers have been improving it every day. This time the focus is on one of the most important aspects of the game -- sound effects. It plays an important role in the game because it can alert you to movement of other players.

The PUBG PC team posted a letter for the Steam Community about the planned evolution of sound effects. They will focus on:

  1. Improvement to sound of gun fire
  2. Improvement to sounds of vehicles
  3. Improving character animation sounds
  4. Reworking sound balance in gameplay
  5. Improving player QoL (sound)
  6. Improving indoor reverb sounds

Official Letter Link is here

Updates in this following year
Updates in this following year

Features in Updated Sound Mechanics

Balanced Sounds

Game sounds will be balanced after this update. Some in-game sounds are louder and players have faced difficulty during voice chats with teammates. This update will allow players to mute game sounds except the voice chat by pressing Ctrl+M (Mute). Another shortcut, F7, will uniformly reduce the volume of the game by a certain percentage, so that you can chat with your teammates without muting gameplay sound. For returning to normal volume levels, just click F7 once again.

Volume Adjustment

Developers have also given some thought to the player health, and they have added a volume adjustment feature to the game. This feature will help players adjust volume levels for certain specific sounds, like gunfire for example. Players generally turn their device volumes to the highest level possible to catch possible movement of opponents, but this will also mean that the volume of gunfire is loud as well and it could cause some harm to a player's hearing. With the new feature, they can adjust the volume for each component in the game -- meaning they can continue to use sound to monitor other players without having to listen to loud gunfire.