Resident Evil 2 Remake Guide: How to Unlock the Armory

RE 2
RE 2

Weapons and ammo are a crucial part of RE 2 and this is why unlocking the S.T.A.R.S armory in the game is even more essential because it contains a Magnum(Leon's campaign.) or a Submachine gun(Claire's campaign) which are quite powerful weapons when compared to your 9mm pistol.

Well to get this door open you specifically need two items and they are:

#1. A Red Gemstone

#2. An ornate Box

Now finding the first time is fairly easy but for the jewel box, you got to wait till you unlock the sewers area.

Getting the Red Gemstone.


To get the gemstone, you need a Red Book which you'll find in the library on the west side of the RPD. Now the book is kept just beside the Exit door in the library so you won't have trouble noticing it.

Now the book needs to placed on an old statue found in the Arts Room on the 2nd floor of the east side of the RPD. There you will find a hand kept beside the statue. Pick it up and combine it with the book and you're done. Now place the item on the statue's arm and it will provide you with a Scepter. Upon examining the sceptre in the inventory it will reveal the Red gemstone I have been talking about all along. Easy right?

Getting the Ornate Box.

S.T.A.R.S badge
S.T.A.R.S badge

If it's your first playthrough, the jewel box is found in the Observation room in the first floor of the west side of the RPD, if it's your second however then it is found in the Men's Locker room in the third floor.

Now depending on which character you are playing as, you will be needing a different key to unlock the Observation room.

If you are playing as Leon then you'll need a Club Key and when you're playing as Claire then a Diamond Key.

Now you'll find these respective keys in the Boiler Room around the parking lot and getting to is fairly easy.

After getting the key when you can finally retrace your way back to the RPD, get the Jewel box from the Observation room and combine it with the red gemstone and bingo! You're done.

Now combining the two will yield a S.T.A.R.S badge which on close examination turns out to be a USB stick.

Congrats! You have done it. Now go back to the S.T.A.R.S room to get your reward. Plug in the USB stick into the CPU and unlock the gate by accessing the monitor.