Resident Evil 2 Review: An Old School Classic for the Next Generation

RE 2
RE 2

#3. Sound Design

RE 2
RE 2

Good sound design adds fuel to a horror game and is very much necessary.

For the most part, RE 2 Remake succeeds, exploring its dark and grimy corridors was always unsettling and the background score didn't help at all.

The jump scares were made even more frightening with the perfect sound and the grotesque zombies moaning for your flesh didn't make things any easy.

However, where RE 2 Remake sound design completely goes off the track is its voice acting.

It's shocking to see how one-dimensional and bland most of them sound. The dialogues ain't any catchy though Leon's character does seem to attain some of its quirky sense of humour from the previous entries though his campaign overall is inferior to that of Claire's. Rest of the cast though completely disappointments, especially of Ada Wong's whose tone of the voice seemed completely off from her character as if Capcom didn't pay the actor.

Comparing these from the benchmark-setting performances in RE 4 as well as RE 6 this comes as a major disappointment.

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