Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The Best Druid Cards Leaving Standard in 2019 (Constructed)

Malfurion, The Pestilent.
Malfurion, The Pestilent.

#4 Branching Paths

Image result for branching paths hearthstone

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Branching Paths was an auto-include in almost all Druid decks on release and even now. It is versatile in offence, defence as well as card draw. Druid already had great armour mechanics and draw mechanics. Branching Paths is a cheap option that allows you to level the playing field according to what kind of situation you find yourself in. It was the first card in Hearthstone to see the keywords "Choose Twice".

#3 Spreading Plague

This costs 6 mana now
This costs 6 mana now

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Spreading Plague is the best defensive card Druid has ever gotten. It floods your board with 1/5 Taunts and punishes your opponents if they are playing aggro minions with less than 5 attack. It has been the cause of controversy because it was seen as "too busted".

Originally costing 5 mana, Spreading Plague's cost went up to 6. That didn't stop the card from being an auto-include and for Druids to buy enough time to muster their defence. Along with all the crazy armour, Spreading Plague is the card that does too much for its mana cost.

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