The Last of Us Part 2: 5 changes to the story that fans would have loved to see

The Last of Us Part II has been one of the most divisive titles in the history of video games
The Last of Us Part II has been one of the most divisive titles in the history of video games

It is nearly impossible to talk about The Last of Us Part 2 on the internet and not trigger one side of the fence. There are just as many detractors of the game as die-hard supporters who live and die by its story.

Very rarely has a game been so massively divisive as The Last of Us Part 2, which is honestly a testament to how emotionally invested the players were in the story. It is not often that a game has been so well-crafted in terms of gameplay and the technical aspects, yet only drawn criticism for its story.

The technical aspects and gameplay of The Last of Us Part 2 are undeniably great, and Naughty Dog deserves all the praise that comes it's way. However, one should keep in mind that art is extremely subjective, and what works for many might not work for others.

Naughty Dog and Neil Druckmann's conviction to tell the story they wanted to is admirable, and their uncompromising nature is commendable. Diluting The Last of Us Part 2 to please a larger portion of the audience would not have done justice to the makers or fans of this instalment.

Five changes in The Last of Us Part 2 that could have made the game less divisive for the fanbase

1) Tommy dies instead of Joel in the opening moments


One of the biggest reasons that players turned against The Last of Us Part 2 from the beginning was the decision to kill off one of the community's most beloved characters, Joel, right at the start of the game.

His capture, torture and death was designed to prove a point and drive forward the narrative themes of the game, but it didn't necessarily go down well with the fanbase.

Perhaps, if Tommy had taken the fall for his brother, which would then spur Ellie and Joel on a path of vengeance in Seattle, it would have been the game that fans had expected. As they wanted more of Joel and Ellie in the sequel, The Last of Us Part 2 wanted players to feel the loss of Joel as much as Ellie did, and thus, it is understandable why Naughty Dog would choose to go down that route.

Maybe this story arc could have served as more of a resolution for Joel and Ellie in the sequel.

2) Uncharacteristic behavior from characters

Image credits: reddit
Image credits: reddit

Critics of The Last of Us Part 2 were quick to point out that characters in the game would frequently make decisions and choices that did not fit the bill. For example, battle-hardened survivors for 25 years, Joel and Tommy wouldn't simply let their guards down when faced with an unknown and armed group of strangers.

Their uncharacteristic behavior leads to the death of the former, which ticked of The Last of Us fanbase majorly. Characters do end up making these uncharacteristic choices throughout the game, and it kind of ends up feeling like plot conveniences.

Perhaps, Naughty Dog could have found a more natural medium through which they were able to tell specific plot points of the game.

3) Players having choices at the end of the game


For a game that valued perspective and always reminded players that actions do have consequences, The Last of Us Part 2 does not have much in the way of player agency.

That is down to the kind of game The Last of Us Part 2 is; it is not an RPG or a game that offers multiple choices. It is purely a look into the story of individual characters, and while that is understandable, it does create a bit of a gap between the player and these characters.

By the end of the game, the characters and Ellie were on entirely different plains, and with the latter's decision to spare Abby, that gap widened even more. While players are aware of Abby's side of the story, it doesn't make much sense for Ellie to spare the person that killed Joel.

Perhaps, having multiple endings based on the player's choices would have smoothened things over for critics of The Last of Us Part 2. Head on over to NakeyJakey's video on the topic as it explains the ludonarrative dissonance in great detail.

4) Play the entire game as Ellie

The Last of Us Part 2 is a game of two halves
The Last of Us Part 2 is a game of two halves

Players were all set to say goodbye to Joel and have Ellie be the main star of The Last of Us Part 2, but little did they expect that the title would also include another protagonist, Abby.

At the midway point, the game shifts to Abby's perspective, and for the next 10 hours or so, gamers get to play her side of the story. Abby is a great character, and her part of the story is exceptionally captivating; yet, it takes away from Ellie's story.

As a result, The Last of Us Part 2 suffers from a lack of focus, as players are left confused as to what they're supposed to feel by the time the game shifts back to Ellie.

5) Shorten the story to include the possibility of a sequel


For many, the game ended up feeling like both The Last of Us Parts 2 and 3, suggesting that it ends up covering a lot of ground that is easily enough for two instalments.

To many, it felt like The Last of Us Part 2 could have been an excellent setup for the events of the next game to take place, and have the franchise end as a solid trilogy. Because it has so many events happening, and the scale is blown up to a great level, it does end up feeling a bit too condensed for a single game.

Perhaps having Abby as an ally to Ellie in the sequel would see her eventual turn into villainy be all the more gratifying when it did happen.