Top 5 aggressive heroes in Dota 2

Ursa has always been a very aggressive hero in Dota 2 (Image via Valve)
Ursa has always been a very aggressive hero in Dota 2 (Image via Valve)

Dota 2 currently has 121 heroes on its roster, each offering unique kits to players approaching a certain match. While some heroes require a calm early game to farm up their much-needed levels or items or, in some cases, both, some heroes can let the player go full Rambo right from the beginning of a match.

The ultra-aggressive playstyle popularized by the Korean squad MVP Phoenix in The Internationals 6 got the moniker "caveman dota." This all-out attacking mindset is, of course, not suited for all heroes. And even with the right heroes, other circumstances of the match factor in, forcing players to mellow down their aggressive playstyle.

Regardless, here are five heroes spread across each role that will best suit a player's aggressive mindset.

The most aggressive heroes of Dota 2 arranged by roles

1) Ursa

Ursa can do some serious damage (Image via Valve)
Ursa can do some serious damage (Image via Valve)

From the Position 1/ carry role, Ursa is arguably the most iconic aggressive hero of Dota 2, with Chaos Knight being a close second.

With the threat of Fury Swipe stacks and the slow from Earthshock coupled with Orb of Venom and eventually Orb of Corrosion, Ursa is intimidating to lane against for any offlaner. And with an early Aegis, Ursa turns a lane win into significant map control with relentless aggression.

2) Huskar

Huskar is a problem once farmed (Image via Valve)
Huskar is a problem once farmed (Image via Valve)

Huskar is one of the most feared lane bullies in the midlane of Dota 2. His playstyle is akin to walking on a tightrope, as both his Burning Spear and Life Break cost him his own HP to cast. This, coupled with the health drain from Armlet of Mordiggan, a bread and butter item for Huskar, leaves him at low HP most of the time.

But with his passive, Berserker’s Blood, kicking in with more attack speed and health regen for the lesser HP he has, Huskar is one of the most fun heroes in Dota 2 to play aggressively.

3) Axe

Axe is the perfect early push tank (Image via Valve)
Axe is the perfect early push tank (Image via Valve)

From the offlane role in Dota 2, Axe takes the cake for being the most aggressive hero. Regardless of build, whether it is old-fashioned Blink-Blademail or the new meta Aghanim Shard-Manta, Axe can blow up the beefiest of heroes in almost all stages of the game.

His Berserker Call undoubtedly seems like one of the most aggressive-looking spells in all of Dota 2.

4) Spirit Breaker

Spirit Breaker can be an annoyance across the map (Image via Valve)
Spirit Breaker can be an annoyance across the map (Image via Valve)

For the Position 4 role, Spirit Breaker is one of the most single-mindedly aggressive heroes in Dota 2.

Charging across the map with hasted speed and bashing opponent heroes to death feels great without a slither of doubt. Spirit Breaker makes the job of ganking significantly easier, leaving enemy heroes fearful of approaching a lane as the threat of a charge looms over their heads.

5) Clockwerk

Clockwerk can be a pain to enemies in the early game (Image via Valve)
Clockwerk can be a pain to enemies in the early game (Image via Valve)

Clockwerk is a menace even from the Position 5 role, making enemy heroes' lives really hard. Battery Assault coupled with Power Cogs is a death sentence to almost all heroes in the early game of Dota 2.

Clockwerk keeps up the aggressive playstyle throughout a match with long-range Hookshot initiations and by creating separation among enemy heroes with strategic placement of the Power Cogs.

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