Top 5 most picked Dota 2 heroes of all time

The most chosen heroes on Dota 2

#4 Invoker

Invoker is a tough champion to master

Kael (or Carl) is one of the most versatile heroes ever created in the game. He has the essence of the storm, the heart of the blizzard and the soul of the phoenix. You can learn how to play Invoker only once you have mastered the game, but mastering Invoker will take you to a whole new level of gameplay.

His versatility comes from his spells. While most heroes are constrained to a maximum of 4 to 5 spells, invoker has an immense pool of 10 spells, each deadlier than its predecessor.

What brings Invoker to the 4th position is that the hero is fun to play, and when mastered, he can be used to dominate every game, countering all kinds of heroes, because of his ability to adjust to every situation that is thrown at him.

Invoker has a pick rate of 20.63%, a win rate of 46.32% and a KDA ratio of 2.82.

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