Top 5 champions to play in Legends of Runeterra patch 2.16.0

Lulu, Gangplank, Poppy - three extremely versatile champions (Images via Riot Games)
Lulu, Gangplank, Poppy - three extremely versatile champions (Images via Riot Games)

Legends of Runeterra has an extremely flexible meta at the moment, but some champions are inarguably better than the rest.

Champions are the most important part of the decks in Legends of Runeterra. While units and spells can win you games, champions are the heavy hitters, and the success of a deck often has a direct relationship with them.

Champions receive nerfs and buffs, while nerfs make the champions weaker, buffs do the opposite. These tweaks are done by Riot Games to ensure that the meta does not become stale, and there stays a deck variance.

Legends of Runeterra: Strongest Champions in patch 2.16.0

Here are the strongest and most synergistic champions of the game right now, and in no certain order:

1) Gangplank

Gangplank is a very strong Bilgewater champion who fits well with an aggressive playstyle. His playstyle and level-up conditions are built around direct attacks to the nexus. He is an extremely flexible option to add to aggro and midrange decks alike.

Gangplank pings opponents and nexus (Images via Riot Games)
Gangplank pings opponents and nexus (Images via Riot Games)

Suggested teammates: Twisted Fate, Sejuani, Miss Fortune


2) Poppy

Poppy is one of the champions introduced by Legends of Runeterra's latest expansion - "Beyond the Bandlewood". Poppy is extremely useful due to the synergies she forms with units, especially lower-powered ones. Her buffs are permanent and can quickly turn smaller units into taller ones.

Poppy has been the great addition from the latest expansion (Images via Riot Games)
Poppy has been the great addition from the latest expansion (Images via Riot Games)

Suggested teammates: Ziggs, Lulu.


3) Draven

For sheer longevity, keywords, and abilities, Draven still remains a very strong champion in-game. He forms a very strong meta deck with Sion. Draven contributes both directly from his abilities and the spinning ax he creates whenever he attacks.

Draven is still going trong (Images via Riot Games)
Draven is still going trong (Images via Riot Games)

Suggested teammate: Sion



Lulu is a brilliant champion in Legends of Runeterra, and she plays the support role very well. Lulu is all about her ability and spells. Her ability to protect a fragile unit or boost a powerful asset, along with her spell, is a tactical game changer.

Lulu has a great supporting role (Images via Riot Games)
Lulu has a great supporting role (Images via Riot Games)

Lulu's spell is a burst spell called "Lulu's Whimsy," It allows the player playing her to turn any opponent into a 1/1 squirrel. This is an incredible way to get rid of an opponent following a powerful unit and needs immediate removal.


Suggested teammates: Zed, Poppy

5) Zed

There are several deserving contenders in Legends of Runeterra, but Zed has been picked because of his keyword and ability. Zed has a quick attack which ensures he will always do damage before the opponent. His ability creates an ephemeral shadow which has his exact stats. An unchallenged attack by Zed and his shadow results in him leveling up and becoming even more powerful.

Zed has one of the most efficient level-ups in game (Images via Riot Games)
Zed has one of the most efficient level-ups in game (Images via Riot Games)

Suggested teammates: Lulu, Poppy


Honorable mentions

Sejuani: The queen forms a formidable partnership with Gangplank. Her abilities make her deadly if the match goes into a late-game.

Miss Fortune: Ideal for aggro decks in Legends of Runeterra. Wreaks havoc on opposing decks built around cheap units and pings both opposing units and nexus every attack round.

Ziggs: An addition of the last expansion. Has great potential for aggressive support but can also act well on decks that feature destructible landmarks.

Pick of the lot

Poppy seems to be the favorite champion of many players in Legends of Runeterra based on flexibility, synergy, and fresh release. Her ability to play well with most champions and units is a great value to have. She can also shine in different strategies of Legends of Runeterra.

Overall, Poppy is an excellent champion for building your deck around. The Bandle Burn deck, ranking #1 on win rate, really helps her shine through in Legends of Runeterra.

Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.

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