Top 5 Jueyun Chili locations in Genshin Impact

Xiangling in Genshin Impact uses Jeuyun Chilli (Image via miHoYo)
Xiangling in Genshin Impact uses Jeuyun Chilli (Image via miHoYo)

Jueyun Chili is one of the most popular ascension materials in Genshin Impact. It is used to ascend Xiangling, the four-star Pyro polearm user.

Jueyun Chili is a specialty of Liyue, implying that the item is exclusive to this region. It is mainly found in the wild, and as per Genshin Impact's recommendation, players should search for it in the Qingce village.

There are over 100 Jeuyun Chilis in Liyue, and here are the top five locations that players can use for farming them.

Most prominent Jueyun Chili locations in Genshin Impact

First Jueyun Chili location

First Juyeun Chili location in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)
First Juyeun Chili location in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)

Gamers can start farming for Juyeun Chili from the border area between Mondstadt and Liyue. They should teleport to the waypoint near Dawn Winery and then reach the peak near the map's end.

The locations marked in red above have Juyeun Chilis.

Qingce Village in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)
Qingce Village in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)

Second Jueyun Chili location

It comes as no surprise that Qingce Village is a part of this list. Players can teleport to the region's waypoint and travel to the terrace gardens near the peak.

With this farming route, they can get approximately 20 Jeuyun Chilis easily.

Third Jueyun Chili location

West Qingce Village in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)
West Qingce Village in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)

Another farming location for the Jueyun Chili is in the western part of Qingce Village. Users can teleport to the Waypoint near the bridge and, after that, head towards the terrace gardens.

Fourth Jueyun Chili location

Mt Aozang in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)
Mt Aozang in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)

The next location to farm Jueyun Chili is the Clear Pool and Mountain Caver domain. Gamers must teleport to the domain and gradually move through Mt Aozang.

They can then teleport to the waypoint below Qingyun Peak and continue the farming route.

Fifth Jueyun Chili location

Jueyun Karst in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)
Jueyun Karst in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)

Lastly, Jueyun Karst's northeastern area is a must-visit for players collecting Jueyun Chili. As the name suggests, this region is full of Jueyun flowers that contain three chilis each.

As for now, Genshin Impact players can only ascend Xiangling by using the Jueyun Chili. However, there's a possibility some other characters will also require this material in the near future.


Xiangling is a free-to-play character in Genshin Impact but is still regarded far more beneficial than many other four-stars. She can work as a main DPS as well as support DPS in any team composition.

Also read: Who are the 7 Archons in Genshin Impact?

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