We help new content creators grow by providing them with PR and graphic assistance while educating them on social media presence: Abhishek Aggarwal, Co-Founder & CEO of Trinity Gaming

Abhishek Aggarwal, co-founder & CEO of Trinity Gaming
Abhishek Aggarwal, co-founder & CEO of Trinity Gaming

Q. Will Trinity Gaming be limiting itself to just content creators, or can we see the org expanding into the field of competitive esports as well?

Abhishek Aggarwal: As of now, Trinity Gaming focuses on content creators only, as it is much required in the gaming industry. We have also not reached our organizational goal or the peak in talent management. We aim to pull that off first.

We are also planning to invest in esports, but not that this stage, as talent management still needs more attention and growth.

Q. What has the growth trajectory been like for Trinity Gaming from the time of its inception to this date?

Abhishek Aggarwal: Trinity Gaming has grown a lot. It's the feeling of achievement we have. However, we can't judge in exact numbers regarding growth percentage.

But in 2019, it was just me and Shivam who started. But in 2021, we lead a team of enthusiastic staff members and a family of more than 200 creators.

Q. With the COVID-19 induced lockdown in India, the video games market in the nation saw a significant boost in terms of viewership and community participation. How has the lockdown particularly been for Trinity Gaming and its partnered content creators?

Abhishek Aggarwal: The gaming industry experienced a considerable hike in viewership and community participation, but we should not forget that it's a lockdown period, where people are at home and exploring their passions.

We also came across a few potential creators who developed their interest in gaming during the lockdown period.


The main challenge will be faced after the lockdown, and the situation gets dissolved, and people go on to their regular lives. We wish the creators continue their passion for gaming after the situation gets normal.

Q. Creating new and innovative branding strategies has been one of Trinity Gaming’s biggest strengths. Sir, I wanted to stress just how the org comes up with these strategies and implements them in a way that benefits both the influencer and the gaming ecosystem.

Abhishek Aggarwal: This is the exact reason we invest in human resources. We believe in exploring the ideas from the creators’ staff who understand the audiences, creators, and social media.

We have staff who work on scouting while the research department figures out the trending strategies and drafts out plans for our creators. We have brand managers and graphic designers who help your creators with implementing various strategies.

So long story short, if Trinity could reach the point where it is, our team members have a significant role to play. We are thankful to our beloved staff and teams, who work hard to help uplift Trinity Gaming, the creators, and the gaming ecosystem.

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