What is FHJ in COD Mobile

What is the FHJ in COD Mobile
What is the FHJ in COD Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile (COD Mobile) is very popular among mobile users because it has various game modes, apart from the battle royale mode. The introduction of frequent seasonal events by developers has not only kept players from swaying away from the game, but also brought in several new players. COD Mobile now has over 100 million downloads on Google Play Store, underlining its mass popularity.

The game also provides players with a variety of weapons, and there are two slots in the loadouts for guns — primary and secondary, with FHJ-18 being one of the secondary weapons. In this article, we talk about this firearm.

What is the FHJ in COD Mobile?

FHJ-18 ticket launcher
FHJ-18 ticket launcher

The in-game description of FHJ-18 states thus:

'Guided shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.'

FHJ-18 is a rocket launcher which can only fire at non-human targets like vehicles and scorestreaks. It is a secondary weapon which gets unlocked at 34 level. It has only two ammunitions.

In one of the newest seasonal events, players have to utilise this weapon.

The seasonal event – Connoisseur

COD Mobile Connoisseur event
COD Mobile Connoisseur event

As mentioned above, various new events are frequently added to COD Mobile, and Connoisseur is one of the latest events to be added.

It has several tasks that players have to complete in order to get various rewards. It has to be remembered players will have to complete them in order, as completing one task would unlock the next. In the third task, players have to destroy five scorestreaks with an FHJ in any multiplayer mode.

It will reward them with the following items – Arctic Captain (Avatar) and 2000 Battle Pass XP. The players will be able to attain it in two to three multiplayer matches. They have a lot of time, as there are more than 19 days left for the event to conclude.

Players can watch the video below to get an idea of how to complete the task mentioned above easily.


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