Call of Duty: Analyzing the game's mechanics and gunplay

COD: Modern Warfare (picture credits: nocommentarygaming, youtube)
COD: Modern Warfare (picture credits: nocommentarygaming, youtube)

The Call of Duty franchise has been one of the most popular gaming franchises since the start of 2000s. Although it has had its fair share of criticisms regarding the tone, setting, or microtransactions, one aspect that has never been called into question is the gunplay.

The shooting mechanics and fluid gunplay of Call of Duty games have set the standard for fast-paced first-person shooters for a while now.

Other games in the FPS genre such as the Battlefield games focus on larger maps, more players and spaced out gun battles. Call of Duty, on the other hand, prefers a cagey, reflex-based, claustrophobic experience that requires precision and speed.

Even though games like Infinite Warfare and Call of Duty: Ghosts received a lot of flak from the community, they were still solid first-person shooters that played great.

What makes Call of Duty a good game?


Smaller maps make way for more fights

Call of Duty franchise's main competitor: Battlefield, has always opted for larger maps than Call of Duty and some players tend to prefer that style of play.

However, due to its smaller size, the gun battles are frequent and it is far easier to come across an enemy in a Call of Duty map. This has both its benefits and drawbacks, the clear benefit being that it makes for a faster-paced experience.

Reflex-Based gunplay

Getting good at Call of Duty requires a player to be extremely quick to react. A player should should have the ability to make a number of key decisions in a very short span of time. Aiming down the sight quicker and sliding or crouching before your enemy can be the deciding factor in a gun battle.

This kind of twitchy, reflex based gunplay is what Call of Duty fans keep coming back to the game for. The TTK (Time to Kill) in Call of Duty games has always been on the lower end, which means that fights between enemies end quicker.


Tactics in Call of Duty Games

Games like CS:GO, and more recently Valorant follow a slower-paced approach to combat, making way for a more tactical approach to gameplay.

That does not mean that tactics won't go far in a Call of Duty game, it just means that both offensive and defensive tactics rely more around situational and environmental awareness.

Team play is always advised in FPS arena shooters, and players should coordinate their attacks, so that no player is left by themselves deep into the enemy's spawn point.

The Single-Player Campaign


Perhaps the Multiplayer aspect of Call of Duty is what the majority of fans are after when they purchase the game. However, the single-player campaign offers amazing value as well.

While the stories aren't anything groundbreaking, they provide enough exciting moments and memorable sequences that they are worth playing several times over.

Notable great campaigns in the series includes games like:

  • Call of Duty Black Ops
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops II
  • Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Even though the campaign for Infinite Warfare was criticized upon launch for going overboard with the space setting. It is still a great single player campaign that perhaps offers more freedom than other Call of Duty campaign.

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