What makes the Moonstone Renewer and the Staff of Flowing Water a broken combo in League of Legends Season 11

Why the Moonstone Renewer and the Staff of Flowing Water is a broken combo in League of Legends
Why the Moonstone Renewer and the Staff of Flowing Water is a broken combo in League of Legends

The Moonstone Renewer and the Staff of Flowing Water item combination can be extremely broken in League of Legends Season 11.

While most of the unbalanced items are still receiving a rework after the Season 11 update, Nick "LS" De Cesare listed out a bunch of heroes that can exploit the Moonstone Renewer and the Staff of Flowing Water item combo.

According to LS, champions that successfully manage to build these two items within the 15-16 minute mark can turn out to be extremely oppressive while also scaling insanely for the late game.

As pointed out by the League of Legends caster and analyst, the lethal aspect of this item combo is the massive amount of heal that can be generated in fights, along with additional movement speed to hunt down enemies.

Broken "MoonStaff" combo in League of Legends Season 11

Before getting into what makes this combo incredibly powerful, let's take a look at the individual specifications for the Moonstone Renewer and the Staff of Flowing Water.

Moonstone Renewer

  • It costs 2,500 gold.
  • Grants the buyer with 40 ability power, 20 ability haste, 200 health, and 100% base mana regeneration.
  • Heals nearby allied champion with the lowest health whenever attacking or casting abilities on an enemy champion. Stacks up to four times.
  • Provides additional five ability haste for other legendary items

Staff of Flowing Water

  • It costs 2,300 gold.
  • Grants the buyer with 60 ability power, 10% heal and shield power, and 100% base mana regeneration.
  • Healing or shielding an enemy grants an additional 15% movement speed to the buyer and the champion getting the heal or shield. Buff lasts for three seconds.

Players require a total of 4,800 gold to purchase both the items in a game of League of Legends. Given that players in core positions can complete building both these items by 15-16 minutes, the amount of heal and movement speed generated from these two items gives a massive benefit to any team.

LS also presented an entire list of heroes that can substantially benefit from this item combo. The list presented by LS includes heroes such as:

  • Anivia
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Karma
  • Soraka
  • Lillia
  • Lulu
  • Lux
  • Janna
  • Teemo
  • Senna
  • Heimerdinger, and several others.

Some might argue that building Grievous Wounds in League of Legends might help counter this combo. However, the fact that multiple champions on the same team can build the Moonstone Renewer means players can easily outheal the debuff caused by Grievous Wounds.


Until and unless Riot Games comes forward with a rework or fix, the only way for players to counter this unbalanced item combo in League of Legends is to build the same item combo themselves.