Where to find Valberry in Genshin Impact: All Valberry locations

How to find Valberry in Genshin Impact
How to find Valberry in Genshin Impact

Valberry in Genshin Impact, in spite of being very rare, is extremely important when it comes to leveling up Noelle and Lisa's characters.

Valberry can be found in specific regions of Genshin Impact's map. Additionally, players can purchase it from a specific in-game NPC as well. Valberry is used solely for the purpose of upgrading Lisa and Noelle's characters in Genshin Impact.

Players will need more than 150 Valberries to upgrade each of the characters. However, Valberry cannot be used for any other purpose in Genshin Impact. While other farmable items can be further crafted into food, weapon, or potions, Valberry is only used in upgrading Lisa and Noelle.

Although neither of the mentioned characters is top-tier in Genshin Impact, both of them feature unique abilities and skills which can come in handy in certain situations. Without further ado, here are all the possible methods of collecting Valberry in Genshin Impact.


Valberry locations in Genshin Impact

There are two possible methods for players to collect Valberry in Genshin Impact. Players can either choose to farm for the in-game resource themselves, or purchase Valberry from Botanist Chloris - an NPC who can be found loitering around Mondstadt.

For those who are looking to farm for Valberries instead of purchasing them, the best place to do so is located on the Stormbearer Mountains. Players should be able to find wild Valberry growing all over this region. However, it is important for players to note that Genshin Impact has a 49 hour respawn timer.

This means if someone has already farmed the spawned Valberry then the player might have to wait for the respawn cycle. That being said, in case the player is in dire need of Valberry and is willing to purchase the in-game resource, they can do so from Botanist Chloris.

Botanist Chloris is an NPC in Genshin Impact who is often wandering the outskirts of Mondstadt. Botanist Chloris offers up to five Valberries for players to purchase. Each Valberry costs 1,000 Mora, meaning that players will have to spend a staggering 5,00 Mora to claim just five Valberries.

These are the two possible methods for players to find Valberry in Genshin Impact, to level up Noelle and Lisa's characters.