Fortnite Streamer Nick Eh 30 overwhelmed after receiving a $20,000 donation

Image via Hollywood Reporter
Image via Hollywood Reporter

During a recent charity stream, Twitch streamer Nick Eh 30 was visibly overwhelmed, as he received a $20,000 donation.

Nick Eh 30 has recently joined the “Quest to Conquer Cancer,” which is a fundraising initiative from the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. It aims to “unite gamers all over the word,” to make a difference while doing something they love.

Effectively, all the donations Nick Eh 30 receives will go to the initiative which works to overcome cancer. This is via patient-care and research in a variety of cancer fields. On 7th November, Nick Eh officially joined “The Quest,” although he had held donation streams in the past as well.

In this article, we look at his reaction to the $20,000 donation that he received during such a stream.

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Fortnite streamer Nick Eh 30 gets excited when he receives $20,000 donation

Nick Eh 30 is a Twitch streamer/YouTuber who plays various games such as Cod: Warzone, Apex Legends, Fall Guys, and Among Us. This of course, is in addition to Fortnite, which is what initially brought him to fame.

Nick Eh’s real name is Nicholas Amyoony, and he has 5.45 million subscribers on YouTube, in addition to around 2.1 million followers on Twitch.

Nick Eh 30 recently joined Luminosity Gaming as a Twitch streamer and YouTuber, and has been involved in various charity streams over the past few weeks.

During one such stream, he received a donation of $20,000, and appeared very excited. Of course, this was despite him not being sure whether the donation itself was legitimate or not.


As can be seen in the video, Nick Eh 30 was playing Fortnite when he noticed his chat talking about a “huge donation.” When he looked up, he was amazed to see a donation of $20,000 from a user called 2k30.

“God, no way dude! No way! I thought it will probably be some $500 donation that everybody is losing their mind over in the chat. Twenty thousand dollars, are you serious? Are you sure you did not add an extra zero to that dude? 2k30, tell me if that is a legit donation. Is he in chat right now? Tell me that was legit and it was not a mistake!”

He went on and said that he would refund the donation if it was a mistake.

Image via Nick Eh 30, Twitch
Image via Nick Eh 30, Twitch

Regardless, the donation did leave him visibly excited, and Nick Eh 30 could hardly contain his smile.

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