Fam Clasher's Free Fire ID, stats, Discord link, YouTube earnings, and more

Fam Clasher has over 257k subscribers
Fam Clasher has over 257k subscribers

Mehul Saroj, also known as Fam Clasher, is a rising YouTube content creator for Free Fire. His videos focus on bringing positive change to the Indian Free Fire community by advocating for things that require general attention.

This has made him a popular face in the community as he has 257k subscribers. Over the last month, he got 16k subscribers and 2.61 million views.

Fam Clasher's Free Fire ID

Fam Clasher’s Free Fire ID number is 331739321, and his stats as of July 12th, 2021, are provided below:

Lifetime stats

Lifetime stats
Lifetime stats

Mehul has played 7800 squad games in his career and won 1247 of them. This is a win rate of 15.98%. He recorded 17070 kills and a K/D ratio of 2.60.

Throughout 1480 duo matches, the YouTuber has 159 victories, achieving a win percentage of 10.74%. With 2987 kills, he has maintained a K/D ratio of 2.26.

Fam Clasher has participated in 1844 solo games, having earned 137 Booyahs to uphold a win ratio of 7.42%. He eliminated 3745 enemies and kept a K/D ratio of 2.19.

Also read: 5 best games like Free Fire under 1GB in July 2021

Ranked stats

Ranked stats
Ranked stats

Fam Clasher has participated in 29 squad games in the current season, and his win tally is 8, which translates to a win ratio of 27.58%. He has registered 64 kills in these matches at a K/D ratio of 3.05.

Note: Fam Clasher's stats used in the article have been recorded at the time of using it. They will change as he continues to play further in Free Fire.


Fam Clasher's earning as reported by Social Blade
Fam Clasher's earning as reported by Social Blade

As reported by Social Blade, Fam Clasher earns approximately $654 - $10.5K per month from YouTube. In the meantime, estimates for yearly income range from $7.8K to $125.5K.

YouTube channel


Mehul Saroj launched the Fam Clasher YouTube channel in October 2019. Since then, he has regularly created videos about the battle royale title - Free Fire. He currently has more than 257k subscribers and more than 23 million views.

This link will take users to his YouTube channel.

Discord Server

His Discord server has more than 10000 members
His Discord server has more than 10000 members

Here's the link to join his Discord server.

Also read: How to get KongFu emote and Spinning Bird MP5 in Free Fire

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