Bloodborne to feature one shield?


After a long wait gamers all over can have their butts kicked again as Bloodbourne has hit the stores today. The game revolves around the word pain and will probably be harder than Dark or Demon Souls series as it lacks a very important element.

Reports and reviews started flooding in last night. According to one of these reports by GameRanx, that From Software’s latest game seems to only have one shield in it. There was a big scare that no shields would be included in the game however, last month developers revealed that some semblance of a shield would be included. Looks like gamers were in for a big surprise as the shield included is a wooden shield.

According to reports, the shield is helpful but it cannot protect you on the long run. Gamers will have to use other methods to evade enemy blows as they will not have the liberty of hiding behind the shield forever. Although the shields have been rendered useless, developers have their bit to help the gamers. A variety of gun weapons have been added to the game, which allow you to fight enemies from a longer range than ever.